December 29, 2008

Geesh I am having a hard time keeping track of all the honorees now! Is this a new one or old one?

As a full fledged member of a twelve step program I can tell you this is NOT how AA or any twelve step program based upon AA functions. AA (NA, OA, SA, CA, etc) so not TELL anyone coming into the doors they are an addict or alcoholic. They simply suggest that a person refrain from whatever "possibly" addictive behavior led them to the rooms to attend 30 meetings in 30 days and listen at each meeting - never sharing. If they do indeed determine they are an addict or alcoholic, then they have a head start on a solid program of recovery. If they find AA is not for them, then the door opens in the opposite direction. bernie bernie bernie..... Shame shame shame.............

Bernie Misiura Says:

December 23rd, 2008 at 6:01 pm
“I left him because he’s an alcoholic, he drank beer at night after work and my group said he’s an alcoholic. It’s only a matter of time before he becomes physical, the people in my group said so.”

This reminds me sooo much of the circular reasoning of AA. "Are you an alcoholic?"

Answer no and you are an alcoholic because you are in denial.
Answer yes and again you are an alcoholic

You can not win.


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