I have had much sad news over the last few weeks. First we hear of Anonymums untimely passing (we will never be the same without her). Then a near and dear friend of mine, Lorraine, and her daughter M are going through the hell of family court. M will NOT visit her bio-dad because he:
A. Abused her
B. Abused her mother
C. Is a severe alcoholic
D. Drives drunk
Then we have the issue with bio-dad's mother. Her list of transgressions against M include:
A. Drinking to excess
B. Taking M to a bar
C. Being sooooooooo drunk she cannot even recognize her own vehicle
D. Driving drunk on this night with M in her vehicle
E. Forcing M to eat her own vomit after becoming ill
I could go on but these are just a few of the major abuses that M has had to tolerate.
So imagine my surprise as we join forces in order to publicize this child's/mother's tragedy to see this:
Message from Chief Justice
Dear Friend:
Welcome to the Wisconsin court system. The courts of our state belong not to the lawyers and the judges, but to you - the public. Perhaps you have come to us because you are involved in a case, or maybe you have been called to jury duty. Or perhaps you are simply interested in learning more about the courts - about careers in the law, volunteer opportunities, or the workings of the third branch of government. Whatever your reason for visiting our Web site, we are glad you are here. Your understanding of - and support for - our independent courts is critical to the integrity and effectiveness of their work.
The court system exists to help the people of our state to resolve their disputes peacefully, and to dispense justice fairly, impartially and according to the rule of law. This is the cornerstone of our democracy.
You have my commitment that the Wisconsin court system will always strive to be open, understandable and affordable. You are welcome here.
Sincerely yours,
Shirley S. Abrahamson
Chief Justice
How can this "chief justice" claim that these courts are OPEN??????? One of the judges in her very court is refusing to listen to a child, he is refusing to use evidence which without a doubt shows that M's father should NOT be allowed to continue in parenting access. He has denied a mother due process and has removed her freedoms from her (there will be another post on this one, coming soon). The family is already stretched to the max with all the back and forth in court brought on by fisherman
(and sometimes cross dresser).
So I am sending out a challenge to Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson:
Look in your house!!! See what your judges are doing to families (specifically look at Judge David Miron

and see what he has done to families. Lorraine and her family want this information out there. How many are too afraid to tell their story? I also challenge You Ask We Investigate of NBC Channel 2 in Wisconsin to look into this case. Contact the loving STEPFATHER of M and husband to Lorraine and see what he has to say.
This is nothing more than threat therapy. Well guess what Judge Miron - you have met your match. Lorraine will continue to protect M and your UNCONSTITUTIONAL jailing of Lorraine for 30 days, then 30 more days, then 30 more days - until the child goes to the abuser's house, will not continue.
So here is the challenge:
Chief Justice look in your house! Clean it up!
Channel 2 investigate this matter!
Help this chidl have her mom home. Make the abuser accountable for his actions.
Provide your email contacts so the public can express the outrage they feel about this issue. Quit hiding Judge Miron!!!!!