June 4, 2009

TWAT Bob on children

Recognize that when an adulterous wife bears the bastard child of another man she has broken her former marriage and formed another marriage. When a husband finds out through DNA testing or otherwise that his wife's child is not his, he may declare the marriage ended by the wife's adultery. In this event he should retain full custody of his children and ownership of all of the community property including rings, jewelry, or other gifts that she was given as his wife. An adulteress with a bastard child should be able to take only her clothing, toiletries, and her bastard(s).

Gotta love this one folks. The chidlren in this scenario are related (even if only through the mother) and TWAT Bob says to seperate the chidlren and make the woman leave with the "bastard" child. The other children are pure I guess and in his mind should not be corrupted by this child.


Oh and I must ask this one TWAT Bob. What if the man is the one to have an adulterous relationship and bears a child out of wedlock? What happens to that child? Is that child also a bastard child as you say the other child is?

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