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This is a rather long post so be prepared to spend some reading time here.
Click here to read Claudine's post on Jeremy
Jeremy Swanson and the GOOD ole’ boys ‘Sound the ALARMS’. be afraid, be VERY afraid. We are Everywhere. We ARE Anonymoms.
January 15, 2010 — Claudine Dombrowski
Going to try and publish this post- had some really good ones but keep loosing them( must be the distasteful content my PC is allergic to)
Try again….
Some scary stuff below- grab a cup o joe and sit back and prepare to be educated- and yes be very afraid of the ‘cell’ terrorists who like to twist as do all oppressors. They fail to realize that humanity is evolving- and they just stay the same- and like all evolution they will soon be eaten out of existence- like the dinosaurs (no slam to the dinos) just is-
Just a lil update into this post by the big bad wolf—oh wait in Jeremy’s words;
“ particularly vicious militant fringe lunatic by the name of Claudine Dombrowski of Topeka Kansas.”
WOW~! Now is that ever a cry or what?? and coming from a mad man with illegal weapons charges….. read about Mr. Swanson then below read the ALARM that was sounded by the real ‘hate groups”
I do not need to do anymore than “expose’- and that is exactly what I am doing.
Anonymums" out of Australia are allied with various groups and all are linked to one particularly vicious militant fringe lunatic by the name of Claudine Dombrowski of Topeka Kansas.
With LOVE from OZ to OZ Muuuaaaaaaaaaahh!
Ahh Mr Swanson- you give me way to much credit- as you see it is a ‘WE’ not a one and WE are Everywhere. We are Anonymoms.
ohhh and do enjoy the track backs
I received the following from Jeremy Swanson a Canadian FRA, and have no reason to doubt Mr. Swnason’s veracity.:
All activists and supporters. Canadian national US National and all International Activists. Whether you are on Facebook or not please remember that a certain "Blake Parker" is not a real person, but an "Anonymum" creation. If you have ‘him’ on your friend list, or are communicating via email you have anAnonymum stalker right in your immediate circle. "He/she (probably a female)" is a "friend"to "Ben Harper" also an Anonymum on Facebook.
"Anonymums" out of Australia are allied with various groups and all are linked to one particularly vicious militant fringe lunatic by the name of Claudine Dombrowski of Topeka Kansas.
Other related groups and individuals lnked together are "Mz Petunia Pigg" (AKA Randi James) http://twitter. com/MzPetuniaPig g FR naked (Fathers Rights Naked) "Angelfury"(AKA Claudine Dombrowski) http://www.AngelFur y.org, Glenns Cult. http://glennscult. blogspot. com and Justice 4 Mothers http://justice4moth ers.wordpress. com/ and Anonymums http://anonymums. blogspot. com/
Be very wary of all of these people and groups. They are ‘not your friends’. They are into disruptiion, slander and sabotage. People I do urge you to cut off and disconnect from contact if you are connected in any way with these people. And please warn others.
These are a group of radical feminists who stalk father’s rights activists and harrass them online as well as infiltrate among you and the groups you work with and then saboatage our efforts from within. Please take this very seriously. Cut them out of your links as quickly as you can and please warn others on your own lists.
From: Jeremy Swanson swanson@storm.ca
Yo SWINESON!!!! Get this through your thick damn skull. I am PETUNIA! Me here at http://glennscult.blogspot.com. I am NOT Randi James, nor am I Claudine Dombrowski. In case you have not heard the funder of Anonymums has passed and many, many others carry on her legacy. You see we are not just Anonymums - we are MOMS!!!! And we are sick and tired of abusive men stealing children from us. We WILL get the message to moms entering litigation with an abuser. And one need only look in any paper or turn on any tv news show to see that the number of men killing off most of or all of their families as if they were nothing more than a junk car to be sent to the auto graveyard has increased steadily over the years. In fact this year alone there was a new story (sometimes more than one) in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK every day. EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!! What will it take for allegations of abuse to be taken seriously? What will it take for men who abuse to stop shifting blame from themselves where it truly lies to others (like the victim - the wife/mother)? Don't even bother to answer that you
We already know what YOUR answer is. And your answer and those of the other FRA's out there will eventually lead to the destruction of humankind as we know it today.
I am Randi James.
No I AM Randi James!!
What amazes me is how nobody thinks that it is wrong for these men(such as Swineson) to come after us with such vile hatred. it's okay for men to spew it, but not women.
Okay, all of you FR's - a challenge - which you will cry and scream unfair, but here it is:
Why don't you agree that as much as a child needs their father in their lives, they also need their mother? It's a simple thing to agree to. Then stop attempting to replace us with girlfriends, new wives or your own mother. Start TAKING CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN YOURSELF. Start acknowledging your own responsibility with your relationship with your children.
But let's face it, FR's - you are too lazy to to take responsibility and if you took responsibility, well, Swineson and Sacks (especially) you might have to stop having sex with your children.
"who stalk father’s rights activists and harrass them online as well as infiltrate among you"
i had no idea i was doing all this stuff!!!
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