January 26, 2011

huffington Post engages in censorship and hatred of women yet again

Warshack recently published a false article on PA/PAS/PAD/HAP/MMS and the protective parents movement tried to comment to show a balance and give information from the viewpoint of the abused mother and child. Sadly Warshack and/or Huff Post felt these comments did not need to be published.

We now have another writer who is engaging in the same censorship. On Huff Post we have "Parental Alienation: It's About More Than "A Uterus, Divorce Papers and Bruises" by Cathy Meyer. Another "expert" as you can see by her bio:

Cathy Meyer is a Certified Divorce Coach, Marriage Educator and Legal Investigator. She works with people who expected to be married forever but are now facing divorce. Through her writing and individual coaching, Cathy provides clients with strategies and resources that empower them and equip
them with the skills needed to grow through a time of adversity.

Cathy is the Guide to Divorce Support@About.com, a resource writer for First Wives World and the co-founder of Divorced Women Online. An online magazine written by divorced women, for divorced women.

Certified Divorce Coach? What the hell is that? Oh I know - someone else to make money off the heartache people invariably suffer when going through a divorce. And someone else who OBVIOUSLY has NO CLUE what abuse in a marriage is about. Have you ever sat and watched your parents or your child or even yourself get shot at? How about stabbed Cathy? Or wait here is even one better. How about having your abuser kill himself and have that forever weighing on your conscious? Or read the hundreds of stories daily where a FATHER who is supposed to LOVE his children, supposed to honor and protect and CHERISH his wife, belittles and beats them daily? No? Didn't think so. Then you need to shut your trap about abuse in a marriage and the aftermath of a divorce afterward. What type of domestic violence and abuse training have you had? Didn't think so.

Now what has spurred Petunia into this rant. A reader took a screenshot of a post she made as well as a post made in response to a well known protective parent blogger. It seems Ms Meyers feels that a parents right to have their child trumps a mother's (and many times child's) right to be free from abuse. Yep there you have it. Women are crap in Cathy's mind. Don't believe me just look below for the actual text and a screenshot of the comment:

I am more interested in protecting a child from the harm parental alienation does than protecting a few women who have suffered abuse.

So there you have it folks. We are finally getting to the bottom of this. The FReaks and FRags could give two shits less about abused women. Just make sure those daddies (all of them even the nasties) are allowed to continue to control and manipulate the children.

January 19, 2011

More Misogyny online - Mel Gibson case

There is finally going to be some action on the Grigorieva/Gibson case soon. It appears that quite possibly Gibson will be arrested for the assault on Grigorieva. Read more about it here or under the commentary. Now you may ask - Petunia - (yep dats my name) why is this misogyny? This is NOT! What is blatant hatred of females is in the comments below the article. Wow women are less than children? Really?? How do you think children are brought into this world. You can have your little wigglies all you want but without the vessel to carry said child, you have nothing. You cease to exist. And we are much closer to not needing the wigglies than we are to not needing the vessel. One need only look at the internet and search for sperm banks to see evidence of this. Sperm Banks - legal, surrogate mothers - not so much so.

Anyone on to the hatred:


The Whammer

01/19/2011 12:53 AM

This is a She said/he said case and there were no witnesses. All we have is some female's accusation and as we all know, a female's word is worthless like a child's. And remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. Mel doesn't have to do anything or prove he's innocent. His lawyer doesn't even have to put on the defence because it's the prosecutor's job to prove the allegations and since all we have in this case is some female's claim then there is no case.


The Whammer

01/19/2011 12:43 AM

P.S. and let's remember all of those "r@pe" cases where the female seemed so convincing but was shown to be a complete liar. 95% of r@pe cases are false.

The Whammer

01/19/2011 12:41 AM

This is a She said/he said case and there were no witnesses. All we have is some female's accusation and as we all know, a female's word is worthless like a child's. And remember that the burden of proof is on the prosecution. Mel doesn't have to do anything or prove he's innocent. His lawyer doesn't even have to put on the defence because it's the prosecutor's job to prove the allegations and since all we have in this case is some female's claim then there is no case.

Well all we can say is lets hope Gibson does not put on a defense. Then maybe we will have one less female hating, racist, angry man off the streets. Now if we could only find this Whammer and warn the women in his life.

January 11, 2011

Glenn Sacks again Attacks Protective Mothers and their supporters

Jennifer Collins is such a brave young woman and by all of her accounts as well as those of her brother and mother, she has lived a rather full life in her short 2 decades here. Yet she is constantly faced with attacks and falsehoods being spread about her. Does Sacks ever publish the fact that she DID attempt contact with her father as an adult woman who did not have to fear his alleged abuse? Did Sacks ever post about her father's response to her during said contact? NO SACKS DID NOT!

He did not do this because it does not fit into his neat little package of all those mean mommies out there stealing children from their fathers. (As if children were indeed 'property' and as such could be 'stolen').

This is just the tip of the iceberg on Sacks. Most of my readers know that Sacks disabled comments long ago on his blog. Thankfully there is no shortage of FReaks on the 'Net hating and abusing women.

Sacks attacks not only Holly Collins and Jennifer Collins, he goes on to attack TC. He does this by posting what should be her information and her child's information through his newsletter and blog. He gives what is presumably a minor child's name and location to his readers, many of whom have admitted themselves on his blog in the comment section to having been accused of sexual attacks on children. Smooth move exlax. Let's just possibly endanger even more children.

He is not even finished there. He attacks BN. He does this inferring that BN must have zero brain cells and is completely unable to make a rational decision on his own based on information he can accumulate on his own. I guess BN must be another one of those manginas that his readers spoke of so frequently.

Surprisingly he left BAZ alone. One must wonder why that is.

He also attacks AR in the same way he goes after BN. Again a lawyer who is highly respected in his field enough so that he can take on a hugely complicated case pro-bono and still maintain his other client load and get a good result for Holly Collins. Oh and lets not forget the mainstream reporters who followed the Collins case and actively reported on it as well. They must have been hypnotized by Holly or Jennifer or both. YEAH! That is it!!! Jennifer and holly are master hypnotists and were able to place ALL of these people under their spell and make them ALL believe EVERY word uttered by them. Yeah there we go!

He goes on to attack several other presenters at the BMCC which will go unnamed as it is simply more drivel and unnecessary to show his absolute hatred of any woman/mother claiming to be a protective mother.

In closing let's look at "HIS" conclusion to his huge "attack" journalism:

Fathers and Families is working for a family court system which properly and impartially investigates abuse claims so that abuse victims are protected but unscrupulous litigants are prevented from employing false claims against the innocent.

Fathers and Families has always been concerned about and stood against domestic violence—domestic violence organizations should make it clear that they are concerned about and stand against false accusers.

My Conclusion:

Fathers and Families is working for a family court system which improperly investigates abuse claims so that abuse victims are not protected but unscrupulous litigants are able to employ false claims against the abused.

Fathers and Families has never been concerned about nor stood against domestic violence—domestic violence organizations are the only ones concerned about and standing against false accusers.

May I also add - how quickly we forget about The Family Place and DART? Or the great work Ampersand from "Alas a Blog" did for TFP regarding the cruel and unusual treatment from Sacks? Or what about his little experiment he undertook in order to "prove" that women's shelters (ummmm duh 'WOMEN'S should give you a clue) were engaging in bias and discrimination against men. That these 'women's shelters' should have their federal funding removed due to this discrimination? How about we start removing the funding from ALL of the Fatherhood Initiative programs that are biased against and discriminate against - mothers?

Ahhhh who cares about poor little women. Ain't got the important parts anyway and all they are good for is making babies for us to control and manipulate and so we can stroke our egos. Visit Jennifer's blog and her two part article to see how much Sacks 'strokes' his own ego. Truly eye-opening stuff there.

Nuff said with this. Ladies (and those few true men who support us) we are in for the fight of our lives. Our children are depending on us.
