April 18, 2010

Letter to the Editor: 'What I know is best for our family has no sympathy in the court system.'

Letter to the Editor: 'What I know is best for our family has no sympathy in the court system.'

This letter is in response to "No Contact Orders Expand State Power, Split Up Families."

I am in a situation exactly like this, my 3 boys are not allowed to be around their father because of a no contact bond for an incident that took place in 9/2009. NO one cares what happens to my family even after a letter written by DFACS that it was unhealthy for our children to be away from my husband, but the DA doesn't care about that or my opinion. I am not a victim of DV and never will be, but what I know is best for our family has no sympathy in the court system. Is this what I pay my taxes for? To be treated like this...I guess so!

- Melinda, Monroe, Georgia


This letter is in response to "No Contact Orders Expand State Power, Split Up Families."

I am in a situation exactly like this, my 3 children are are forced into contact with their father because of shared parenting laws. No one cares what happens to my family even after a letter written by DCF that it was unhealthy for our children to be near my husband, but the DA doesn't care about that or my opinion. I am a victim of DV and always will be as long as these travesties are ignored, but what I know is best for our family has no sympathy in the court system. Is this what I pay my taxes for? To be treated like this...I guess so!

- Jane, Miami, Florida

Just received this letter and the heads up from Jane with link at top to article :-) And I wonder which one is closer to fact?

April 7, 2010

This is your brain on PAS/PA/PAD

Remember those scare tactic videos about your brain on drugs? Don't know about you but they worked for me. Now lets take this on a new spin. What is someone who believes PA/PAS/PAD doing to their brains? Why are women the only ones ever accused of alienation or gatekeeping? We have a case here which to my eye appears to have the ever present gatekeeping and alienation tactics happening.

So quick run down on this story. Mom "allegedly" kidnaps child and returns to her native country amid accusations by her of violence in the marriage. Mother remarries after divorce has another child and dies in childbirth. Father to older child goes on rampage in order to secure custody of older child - even amid allegations of violence by mother's family in foreign country and mother's widowed current spouse. Father eventually uses American politicians and television news stations in order to carry child out of mother's native country. Now grandparents want to see child, want child to have a relationship with half sibling and father refuses.

What do you mean - father refuses? I thought all family should be allowed a relationship with children? Even with mother deceased shouldn't siblings and extended family of mother's be allowed continuing contact with child?

Apparently not and apparently the well known father's rights blogger, Glenn Sacks, REFUSES to run any stories on this "gatekeeping" of the child by FATHER. Even Ken Walker (kc9bdr@yahoo.com) agrees that Father should be allowed to keep child from maternal family - in fact he even quotes: "The maternal grandparents take the grandson to Brazil for 5 years, (mother dies) then complain when they don't get placement. Give it time!". Mother does this and it is automatically a given that mother is gatekeeping and engaging in PA/PAS/PAD. So why is this not true for FATHER? Is FATHER not gatekeeping and possibly engaging in PA/PAS/PAD? The child in question has been around the maternal relatives for years now. Are we punishing another innocent young child by denying that child the RIGHT to have a relationship with the older sibling?

Well, let me explain this so you get it really good, okay? Just as in this commercial about heroin use, PA/PAS/PAD has some rules too.

Women are the only ones who can gatekeep a child. Ladies, ladies. Here's how it works. It's only PAS/PA when we accuse you of doing it. When WE do the exact thing we just accused you of doing ("gatekeeping," obstructing visitation, etc.) it doesn't count. WE are the ONLY ones who can protect our children. These children are not your children, they are only our children. Just like that nice new car we fought for in the divorce, just like the house. Oh and forget about any equitable split, that is all ours too. Any questions?

So go back and watch the video again.

Frying pan is PAS/PA/PAD.

Egg is your brain.

And the violence you see portrayed is what COULD happen if PA/PAS/PAD is bought hook, line, and sinker. Our children, our future will be destroyed if abusers are allowed to continue to use JUNK SCIENCE in order to remove protective parents from a child's life and place children with an alleged abuser. Do we want to place these children with potential alleged abusers? Don't know about you but I do not. And now a young child is being denied a relationship with a sibling by a father and Glenn Sacks, Ken Walker, and who knows who else in the FATHER'S RIGHT MOVEMENT think this father is completely justified. Ken by his own words, and Sacks by his lack of words. Or is it just that as long as it is a father who is being allegedly denied this is a travesty that must (MUST!!!) be rectified, but when it is a mother or maternal relatives - ahhh who cares? One need only look at the case of Jean Paul Lacombe Diaz in Texas to see this is true. Where are the Ken Walker's, the Glenn Sacks for this mom who has proof of abuse, has court orders granting her custody of this child? The courts were TRICKED into turning the boy over to father. He did this ILLEGALLY yet we see nobody in the Father's Rights Movement speaking to the tragedy of this court's actions.

Oh gee I keep forgetting. That is because the parent who is being denied the child is MOM. Who cares about moms right? After all, the only thing moms are good for is carrying the child, giving birth to the child, feeding the child life supporting breast milk. When the child can walk and talk, the mother should be gone. Fathers are the only important ones now.


April 5, 2010

Biscuit Queen AKA Jen from SYG

I tried warning her yet she paid no mind. Now you can click on any of these links:













Or perhaps even go here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ThePatriarchy/ to see just how BQ aka Jen views her own sex. She will subject herself to denigration in the name of father's rights - just like her cohort Teri Stoddard. We even have a small picture of her (possibly).

Hmmm she is with a man here. One must wonder if she is a standing member of the second wives club? Oh and for one last perusal you really should look to this post on SYG where she plays suck up to one of the crazies who has decided that nobody will listen to him so their little club should just delete his account. What outdoors - you can't figure it out on your own how to delete your account? You have to make some public display of oh woe is me so everyone will feel sorry for you? Or do you truly not know how to operate a computer? I think we should start a "I do not know how to operate a computer and I am a angry man who used to beat my wife and kids" club. Oh wait they already have several of those online - they are just disguised as "My wife left me and hates all men so I will post online as a man who is hated by women" club or even better they are disgguised as "I beat my wife because she would not do what I told her to do and she defended herself so now I am a victim" club. Their names are:
Do I really need to post the names? I think all of my readers are computer literate and can figuse out what boards and forums I am talking about.

Oh and be looking for more information on this Biscuit Queen - a preliminary search of Google has turned up quite a bit of material :-)